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  1. Sell My Canon Camera

Sell My Canon Camera

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Get an instant quote from The Big Phone Store for your items, we accept any item large or small - all you need to do is fill the form in below with as much information as possible so that we can give you a quote, we will arrange collection of the items and test them according to our testing criteria and pay you the SAME DAY if your items are as described, or give you a revised price if they don't - you can reject our revised price and have your items returned to you*.

Request A Quote

Use the form below, or call us during normal working hours to discuss your requirements on 01902 256 300.

*The quote you are given follows the same rules as detailed in our Testing Criteria, and once tested if your device has further damage or defect that was not mentioned then your quote may be downgraded, if so you have the option to accept or reject the new price with the ability to have the device sent back to you if you feel you can get a better price elsewhere. Postage charges may apply for returning items.

We pay on the same day items pass testing, or 2-5 days if your items are damaged or BER as we will perform vigorous testing so that we can identify any parts that may be reusable, this is so we can offer you the best price possible.

If you reject our offer we will send items back via UPS or a courier of your choice. you may be responsible for postage charges for the return of your items.

We will send you an instant quote while you wait on-line where possible, our opening hours are 9am - 4pm Monday - Friday (not including holidays). If we are unable to provide a quote we will update you via email within 48 hours.

Sell My Canon Camera

Over the course of the last two decades we have seen cameras make the shift from being physical film based products to digital ones. Gone are the days of needing to queue up at the local chemist to get your film processed; it’s now simply a case of plugging your camera into your computer and hitting print. However, many camera owners still find that they don’t use the camera that often and watch their expensive purchase sit on the shelf collecting dust and losing value. This has predominantly been caused by the rapidly improving quality of cameras on smartphones, which are much more accessible and commonly carried around by the owner at all times. This means they have filled the need for an “every day” camera, eliminating the need for a secondary device in most consumers cases.

The Big Phone Store lets you unlock the value of your unwanted assets, such as cameras, in a fast and efficient way. Simply enter the make and model of your camera into the search box above or find it within the list below and get an instant offer! We’ll then provide a free courier service via UPS, which makes our same day payments all the sweeter – allowing us to get most of our customers paid within 48 hours of their order being placed!

The added bonus of dealing with The Big Phone Store is our huge catalog, that now contains more than 100,000 products. This means that if you’re having a clear out of old or unused belongings, we’ll take the lot! If it’s not in our catalog then simply fill out our valuation request form and someone will get back to you with a quote within 24 hours!

Multiple items, one courier and one rapid payment – straight into your bank account! What could be easier?

About Canon

Canon have been in the imagery and optics business since their inception in 1937. They were originally known as Precision Optical Instruments Laboratory and were based in the Japanese capital, where their headquarters remains to this day. Over the course of their first 30 years they would develop a number of innovations within the industry, with their most notable successes coming in the television broadcasting market. Despite their impressive credentials and early achievements, they soon moved towards the consumer market, producing some of the best cameras of the time – such as the Canon 7 and Canola 130. The real breakthrough however didn’t come until 1965 when they released their first SLR, which stands for single lens reflex. The Canon Pellix was a hit and remained their flagship camera for the next six years, enjoying great commercial success and plaudits from not only the photography industry but also consumers themselves.

As the company moved into the 1970’s, it had found itself with an entirely new focus and target audience to which it had initially launched with. Nonetheless, they continued to adapt well to an ever changing marketplace and grew their presence within it.

In 1992 they released their very first digital camera, which set the ball rolling for them to become a true powerhouse within the industry. In addition to their SLR’s and DSLR’s, Canon are also highly regarded manufacturers of camcorders, which remain a popular item with consumers to this day.